

Gaza (---), 06/07/2024.- A Palestinian looks on damages after the Israeli air strike hit UNRWA's Al-Jaouni School housing displaced people in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, 06 July 2024. At least 16 people have died and 50 are injured in an Israeli attack on a UN school in central Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian health ministry . Israeli army (IDF) confirmed the strike following what it said was information about the location being used as 'a hideout' from where attacks against the IDF were 'directed and carried out'. EFE/EPA/HAITHAM IMAD

Israel atacó escuela de UNRWA en Nuseirat, Gaza: hay al menos 16 muertos

El Ejército israelí confirmó que su Fuerza Aérea atacó a “varios terroristas que operaban en estructuras ubicadas en el área de la escuela Al Jaouni de la UNRWA en el centro de la Franja de Gaza”.

Al menos 15 muertos en ataque israelí en una escuela de UNRWA en Nuseirat, centro de Gaza

La escuela atacada, Al Jaoni, albergaba a unas 2.000 personas desplazadas, según la UNRWA.

Israel enviará a su equipo la próxima semana a Catar para negociar acuerdo con Hamás

El acuerdo incluiría un cese al fuego y la liberación de algunos rehenes en la Franja de Gaza.

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Jerusalem (Ó-), 04/07/2024.- Anti-government protesters march in a protest outside the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, towards the residence of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, 04 July 2024. Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Jerusalem to call for the dissolution of the government and for early elections, as well as for the immediate release of all hostages. (Elecciones, Protestas, Jerusalén) EFE/EPA/ABIR SULTAN
Lugar no revelado (Israel), 07/02/2024.- Soldados israelíes junto a un vehículo militar en un lugar no revelado cerca de la frontera con la Franja de Gaza este martes. El ejército israelí declaró hoy que continuaba con las operaciones en las áreas de Shejaiya, Rafah y el centro de Gaza. EFE/ Abir Sultan
Khiyam (Lebanon), 26/06/2024.- Smoke billows in the Israeli northern town of Metulla from cross-border rockets launched by Hezbollah from the Lebanese side, as seen from Khiam village, Lebanon, 26 June 2024. According to an Israeli army report, the IDF fighter jets on 26 June struck Hezbollah military structure and observation post and other infrastructure in the areas of Kfarchouba, Ayta ash Shab, and Khiam in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah said in statement the group targeted buildings in Metulla with 'appropriate weapons' in response to the Israeli attacks on southern villages. (Líbano, Hizbulá/Hezbolá) EFE/EPA/STR
Arlington (United States), 25/06/2024.- Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (L) and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (R) observe the playing of the national anthem of the United States by a US military band during an honor cordon at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, USA, 25 June 2024. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin met with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the Pentagon and discussed the ongoing situation in Gaza and Israeli military operations in the region. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
TEL AVIV, 24/06/2024.- Shimon Axel Wahnish (i), el rabino personal del presidente argentino, Javier Milei, tomó posesión este lunes como nuevo embajador de Argentina en Israel, la primera vez que un rabino ocupa el cargo de embajador en el país hebreo. En un mensaje en su cuenta de X, el ministro de Exteriores israelí, Israel Katz, celebró la toma de posesión de Wahnish, al tiempo que deseó el pronto traslado de la embajada argentina (que actualmente se encuentra en Herzliya, cerca de Tel Aviv) a Jerusalén. "Gracias a la amistad y el apoyo del presidente Milei, la relación entre Argentina e Israel se estrechará y fortalecerá a nuevas alturas y estoy seguro de que pronto veremos la nueva embajada de Argentina en Jerusalén, la capital eterna del Estado de Israel", escribió el ministro Katz. EFE/ Ministro de Exteriores Israelí via X - SOLO USO EDITORIAL/SOLO DISPONIBLE PARA ILUSTRAR LA NOTICIA QUE ACOMPAÑA (CRÉDITO OBLIGATORIO) -
Tel Aviv (Israel), 18/06/2024.- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the state memorial ceremony for the victims of the 1948 'Altalena Affair', at the Nahalat Yitzhak Cemetery in Tel Aviv, Israel, 18 June 2024. The weapons-laden cargo ship Altalena was involved in violent confrontations that erupted in June 1948 between the newly created Israel Defense Forces and the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, during the process of absorbing all military organizations into the IDF following Israel'Äôs declaration of independence a month earlier. At least 16 people were killed in the confrontations. EFE/EPA/Shaul Golan / Yedioth Ahronoth POOL

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